Vous l’avez peut-être remarqué si vous avez suivi le tournoi sur l’antenne de Golf+, les joueurs avaient quasiment tous un petit ruban de couleur mauve, (comme Paul Barjon ici) accroché à leur casquette. Cette initiative a été prise afin de rendre hommage à un célèbre journaliste de Golf Channel disparu mardi.
Natif de New York Tim Rosaforte a commencé sa carrière en tant que rédacteur sportif dans les éditions régionales de journaux en Floride, avant de passer à des magazines, notamment Sports Illustrated et Golf Digest.
Il a fait de nombreuses apparitions sur Golf Channel depuis la fin des années 1990, avant de rejoindre officiellement la chaine en 2007.
Affable il était très apprécié des joueurs et de ses confrères pour son professionnalisme et sa gentillesse.
Rosaforte a couvert des dizaines de tournois majeurs, 17 Ryder Cup. En apprenant la nouvelle de sa mort, à 66 ans des suites de la maladie d’Alzheimer, les joueurs lui ont rendu hommage en postant de nombreux messages.
Tim was one of the best at what he did. He lifted those up around him and shared insight into the game of golf from an interesting and positive point of view. He will be remembered by so many he came in contact with and we are all better for having known him. RIP Tim https://t.co/lBDMFqaVhc
— Phil Mickelson (@PhilMickelson) January 12, 2022
Tim Rosaforte was a great man who loved the sport of golf. He will be dearly missed. https://t.co/8YaQu1gWDM
— Graeme McDowell (@Graeme_McDowell) January 11, 2022
Awful, awful news. RIP, Rosie 🙏 https://t.co/sduDAK71Un
— Justin Thomas (@JustinThomas34) January 11, 2022
Terrible news to hear today. Tim was an amazing reporter and a respected journalist. Had a lot of great conversations throughout the few years I was on tour. Sending my thoughts and prayers to his family today. https://t.co/jAlOLEYbm9
— Bryson DeChambeau (@b_dechambeau) January 12, 2022
Many hearts, including Barbara’s & mine, hurt today after the passing of our friend Tim Rosaforte. Tim had a wonderful ability to develop trust from so many, and because of that—plus his work ethic—if there was an important story to be told in golf, Tim usually reported it first. pic.twitter.com/VbTSbaj5az
— Jack Nicklaus (@jacknicklaus) January 11, 2022
Sad to hear the passing of Tim Rosaforte. He was such a good dude to me in both of my jobs, as a player and pundit. Loved this picture he took with my dad at the 2013 PGA. pic.twitter.com/AVQgihm3QN
— Rich Beem (@beemerpga) January 11, 2022
Ancien président de la Golf Writers Association of America il fut le premier journaliste à recevoir un membership à vie de la PGA of America.